
I would also call this type of music, “Reflection Music”; the perfect music to listen to when we meditate or reflect on the multiple moments we experience throughout our lives, such as: happiness, sadness, anxiety, frustration, etc. All my compositions are oriented to the same destination; finding peace, harmony and clearing the mind.

  • Jaguar: Only a few people in the world know that Jaguars, after tigers and lions belong to the biggest cats in the world, for the Aztec and Mayan cultures, the jaguar represented divinity. Jaguars, compared to other cats have no limits, they can be on the ground, tress, and water, they often hunt fish, turtles, crocodiles, deer, tapirs, monkeys and birds.

    The National Commission of Biodiversity of Mexico CONABIO and “Alianza Jaguar, A.C.” helped me with images, information, and promotion of this musical project, I pretend and hope to share this musical project with more people around the world, not only because is interesting, also because of the real problems that the environment is facing, for example draught faced by many places in the world.

    The factors that contribute to the extinction of the Jaguar are:

    • The loss of habitat with roads, agricultural fields, and fires.
    • The illegal hunt of the jaguar, related to revenge of farmers and hunt trophies.
    • The decrease of preys for the jaguar.
    • The disease of invasive species, like the cats or dogs.
    • The loss of genetic variability, while males and females disappear, some jaguars can be relatives.


    There are many groups like: “Alianza Jaguar de México” that protect, and restore the ecosystems, starting for example with the hydrologic service of the community where this species lives. I hope my “Jaguar Project” can help save this species

  • Close up of jaguar
    Logo Alianza Jaguar
  • Angels & Archangels: A spiritual melody that reflects the beauty of kindness, dedicated to Michael,  an archangel that is recognized in Islam, Judaism and Christianity. For me, an Angel is not only the one who has wings and shares messages; an Angel can be the person that doesn’t know who we are, and yet they offer us help without expecting anything in return. The song includes passages with the voice of children, who resort to archangels for protection, the tenor’s voice chants phrases written in the popular Benedict Medal and the musical movements sound like a Harp, an instrument associated to angels. All the lyrics are in Latin, the parent language for the majority of languages.